Monday, March 05, 2007 Rocks!

Do you have a bunch of old CDs? I do...

I have all of these CDs hanging around that I don't want. I keep all of my music digital these days, and I just update my iPod. I don't take CDs anywhere, I take my iPod.

But I don't really like iTunes. I think it's a great service, but I despise DRM (see my DRM post). Also, the encoding is lossy, so the music you download is sub-CD quality. I want to get my music on CD, I want the high quality and I don't want to fiddle with DRM.

The problem with used CD stores is that they're a rip-off. They buy CDs for a buck or two and resell them for $12. Even the used price of CDs is too high to feel good about buying, and the selling price is too low to feel good about selling. Have you ever shopped used CDs? You can spend hours rummaging through piles of CDs, in the cheap side of the record shop, feeling a bit like a dumpster-diving hobo, and still never find what you want.

Enter : trade your old CDs to someone else directly and skip the middle man. List what you have and what you want and start trading. The site has lot's of social networking goodness : users write album reviews and tag music, you can't link it to blogger and there are plugins to show what you're listening to.

Be sure to check out my LaLa! :-)

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